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You regret having bought only 275 shares a long time ago 😭
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@Altior_mons always depends on where the money went instead. There have been a few companies that have done better for a "long time". 🤷‍♂️
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@Altior_mons is still cool 275 x 5€🤑
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@KevinC sometimes where better sometimes worse
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@Kronos_ oh yes #free_tax_deferral
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@Altior_mons 275 pieces is more than many others have 🤑🤞🏼
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@7Trader oh yes, but as they say, more is better than less (I just don't have the capital)
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27.5% withholding tax and 25% capital gains tax. Austria and Norway🫣 that's the only downer, otherwise €5 dividends are great!
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@Black-Panther-21 only that at Bawag NO withholding tax is deducted from the dividend payout 😉