
Just like that into Volkswagen.

I see it as risky in the short and medium term, but in the long term I am convinced that I can look forward to nice dividends.

...let's see what happens

Volkswagen Non-Voting Pref Shares logo
Compró 9 a 91,71 €
825,40 €
23 Comentarios

You you you!
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It's not impossible that the dividend will be cut, is it?
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This story will never end well in the long term. The market is full and vw is losing more and more market share.
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VW vz is also high on my buy list!
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Well, are we already on the way down?
Thyssen Krupp used to be a great dividend payer.
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VW has terminated the collective agreement and also the employment guarantee, which means that employees can be laid off from July and wage cuts can be made.

I hope the shares weren't bought too expensively now
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Difficult at vw: many problems at once
What will happen. I think it will still be difficult, but taxpayers' money will save us in an emergency.
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